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1. I, hereby, confirm that I am the bonafide user of the NOCAS online NOC Application System. I am aware that only owners/lessee of the land area/ plot /site or their authorized representative can file the online NOC application for height clearance.

2. The data provided above is correct to my best knowledge and belief.

3. AAI does not seek any confidential data. The data/ information provided by you may be used by AAI and also may be made public as per the requirements.

4. I am fully aware of the purpose of the website and promise to use the online application forms and other contents for the specific purpose only.

5. The AAI makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, verification of the set-up of user accounts, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this website and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this website.

6. I agree to receive SMS on my Registered Mobile Number related to my Registration and NOC Application.

I agree to the above Terms and conditions.